

Ultrasonic cavitation is a leading-edge body contouring procedure for men and women. This technology converts fat cells into liquid, which can then be naturally drained by the body’s own natural filtration system. Ultrasonic is a non-invasive procedure that is all-natural. Many who receive the service are able to see a visible reduction in fat immediately after the first session. The ultrasonic cavitation technique uses high-frequency sound waves to break down fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite without affecting nearby organs and cells. The broken-down fat cells are then able to process through the digestive system naturally and permanently leave the body.

If you follow up your ultrasonic body contouring with a healthy lifestyle, the results are permanent. This service is pain-free and does not involve any pricking, scarring, or risk of infection. Best of all, there is no downtime needed for recovery! For increased results, pair with an infrared sauna session for the ultimate release of toxins, weight, and waste!

Learn more about ultrasonic body contouring on our FAQ page or schedule your complimentary 10-minute phone consultation with one of our cavitation specialists!

5 – 10 treatments are suggested, spaced one week apart per appointment

1 session: $249
5 sessions: $199 a session
10 sessions: $149.50 a session

Available at our Wallingford, Bellevue, and West Seattle locations. Ultrasonic body contouring appointments are subject to our late cancellation and no-show policy.


How does Ultrasonic Cavitation work?

A specially designed device will be applied to your skin. The hand piece will then transmit low-level ultrasonic waves which consist of compression-expansion impulses that travel in high-speed cycles. This back and forth cycle then causes an infinite quantity of micro-cavities or micro-bubbles that gradually enlarge. This progressive enlargement finishes as micro-bubbles start to collide and implode, producing shock waves that favor emulsification and elimination of fat tissues (this phenomenon is called “cavitation”). The liquid is then easily vacuumed out from the body using the lymphatic and urinary system.

Are the results of ultrasonic cavitation similar to those of liposuction?

Yes, because it removes cellulite and prevents this from recurring in the treated areas, without damaging the vascular system.

The fat is a solid substance, how can it be eliminated through the urine?

Because ultrasonic cavitation causes an emulsification of fat, converting it into a substance makes it easy to eliminate through the urinary and the lymphatic system.

What are the benefits of Ultrasonic cavitation?

This non-surgical, pain free treatment brings many benefits including

  • Body contouring with no recovery time.

  • Breaks up stubborn ‘inflexible’ fat deposits and releases toxins.

  • Decrease of deep wrinkle, scars, and cellulite.

  • No incision, anesthesia or recovery time, and

  • Improves the appearance of hard fat and cellulite.

What does Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment involve?

Measurements and before pictures of the target areas may be taken at the beginning of a session (upon client approval). These measurements serve as a baseline to track results. During treatment, clients rest on a massage table while listening to soothing music. The organic gel is spread over target areas for weight loss. Once the treatment is complete, you may resume normal activities. There is no downtime associated with ultrasonic treatment. For best results follow with an infrared sweat or lymphatic treatment.


Mechanical Lymphatic Drainage


Therapeutic Massage